Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Many people wonder what golf course maintenance does during the winter time. Here is one of the winter projects we are currently working on for Black Heath #18. The post below shows the first of two sub-drainage sections that will be completed this winter.

Black Heath #18 has been plagued with pot holes of thin turf and mud for sometime. These pot holes are the result of poor drainage on this fairway. As rainwater flows from the higher, right side of the fairway to the lower, left side, the water is trapped in a lower area, preventing the water from running off into the lake. The results of this action are pictured above. The area remains wet and soggy, and over time the Bermuda turf begins to suffer and thin due to the submerged environment. As the turf thins our mowing equipment create ruts in the thin, muddy turf making the problem even worse. To solve this problem we, the maintenance staff, designed a sub-drainage system to install on #18 fairway to channel the rain water into the lake.
The maintenance staff began the project Wednesday, January 13th and completed the first section on Thursday, January 14th. The first section comprised of 500 ft. of trenching as shown in the picture above. The trenching machine is followed by one staff member checking the depth of the trench, then followed by a few others cleaning the spoils left by the machine.
This picture shows the day after trenching was complete. The next step was to add pea gravel to the trench then add 4 inch drain tile to the hole and then add more pea gravel on top of the 4 inch pipe. Then we added 6 inches of sand to fill in the remaining trench line and level it with the ground. This design will allow water to infiltrate into the drain tile and provide a soil structure to grow a health stand of bermudagrass.
As we were working on this project the trench began to fill with water, despite the lack of rain fall. The picture above shows by the end of the second day water draining from the newly created drainage system.

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